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Response to abbey nationals limited response to S A R

from Eleanor Scott (eleanor.scott@btinternet.com)
Beryl, what is the name of the individual who dealt with your SAR at Abbey National? The material will have been sent to you along with a letter signed by a named individual from their Data Protection office. It certainly seems an odd batch of material to receive. As this is a shortfall case, they should have sent you a print out of their electronic 'log' which documents the handling of your case. The barely legible copies of payments made will probably have been printed off from a fiche, hence the poor quality. But Abbey have told at least one other repossessee that they do not have to supply these under the Act. So I'm wondering whether different Data Protection managers at Abbey are supplying different things - otherwise it's hard to make any sense of your experience. You certainly *must* write to the Data Protection Commissioner, Elizabeth France, at: Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF. Ask for an Assessment. If Abbey have breached your rights, both you and she need to know about this, and you need to able to point this out (and point out the distress they have caused you) in any future dealings. Please let us know how things develop. There are lots of people who use this Q&A board who may be able to offer support. Facing a shortfall claim is bad enough without the lender being, apparently, unhelpful about supplying documentation to which you are entitled.
(posted 8586 days ago)

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