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Options to Zone System

from Michael D Fraser (mdfraser@earthlink.net)
The Zone System is most useful fot sheet film because each negative can be developed to the brightness range desired. For 35mm, you must develop the entire roll. It is a bit of a hassle. Some roll film camers (ie Hasselblad) have interchangeable backs and you can have a back for Normal, +1, -1, etc. A pain. Generally for 35mm don't bother with Zone System. Manufacturers are optimisitc in their EI ratings, so a general rule is to divide the speed by 2. This ensures your shadow detail. Develop 35mm to a minus one; normal negs for a grade 3 paper. If you use VC paper, you'll get 75% of the benefits of actual Zone System use, but without having to change development times for different rolls. If you use PMK (pyro) developer, the negatives will be much easier to print because the highlights will not be blocked and even overexposed bright areas can be "printed through." See the posting on PMK in this forum. It's an amazingly good developer!
(posted 9840 days ago)

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