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Response to zone system any other options???

from Gene Crumpler (crumpler.gene@epa.gov)
I've just staretd using a spot meter for MF shooting. It is the best way to go once you understand that you have to get any area of your print you want to hold detail within plus or minus 2 stops of 18 % grey. The rest of the zone system is interesting, but in my experience, the manufacturers recommendations are good starting points. Again the key is to get everything that you want detail in to be plus or minus 2 stops or EV values arround 18% grey which is what all handheld meters are calibrated for. Buy some grey cards and get started.

I have a camera club buddy who was using an incident meter, but his negatives were inconsistent. We convinced him to get a spot meter to use with his old Rollieflex.

(posted 9554 days ago)

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