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from Gabrielle (gayla@netnitco.net)
I knew I was forgetting somthing about the A-B process!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't meantion that they are very stable. You can use them over and over. Also the tempeture dosen't matter you can just leave the out, just make sure you have the lid on TIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!! The speed of the film is no worry!!!!!!! This works with any speed film without having to adjust time and temp. NOW IS THAT SIMPLE OR WHAT??? The only drawback is that unless you like grain in your long distance photographs with 400 ASA use the old method to process you Black & White film. I like my photo's to have grain! It leaves you with a bit more of an emotional impression. Just load your film as usual and remember 3, 3, 30, 5, 5, & 30.
(posted 9639 days ago)

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