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Response to Fuji Neopan in ID-11

from chris almqvist (chris@propellerheads.org)
I processed a Fujipan 400 exposed at 800 in Xtol diluted 1+1 the other night, and I have just made enlargements 24x30 cm. I used the times recommended by Kodak (including adjustment for low volume of developer stock per film) and I can highly recommend the film - and the combination. There was a film test in the German 'fotomagazine' 9-97 and they indicated in the resulting tables that the times given for fujipan and some developers (Rodinal and Perceptal, but not ID11) obviously were wrong. Try the times from Kodak's web page - btw the times there are longer for the 400 than for the 1600, so that is probably not the reason for your problem
(posted 9512 days ago)

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