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Response to Developing TMAX 100

from Michael Goldfarb (mgoldfar@mobius-inc.com)
I've been shooting home-spooled T-Max 100 in my Minox and developing in D-76 1:1 at Kodak's suggested times with good results. I've been using much less agitation than Kodak recommends (once every two minutes vs. twice a minute) to keep the grain less evident, but development is still even and complete.

My only complaint is that I sometimes get a bit contrastier results than I expect, or would get with a conventional film like APX 100 or Plus-X. But then, APX 100 and Plus-X, while having better exposure latitude and softer contrast, don't have the tremendous resolution or very tight grain of the TMX, so it's a trade-off. (It's a good trade- off most of the time, in that I usually get lovely 5x7 prints from Minox negatives with only a hint of visible grain at normal viewing distance! You can check out some scans at The Sub Club Gallery - http://members.aol.com/xkaes/gallery.htm if you'd like.) I haven't done much 35mm TMX, but I'm sure there's much more leeway there than with the teeny Minox negatives, because you're usually not trying to squeeze so much out of them...

Anyway, good old D-76 is probably worth a try with TMX!

(posted 9384 days ago)

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