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Can I get medium format quality from 35mm?

from F Alvaro (falvaro@ozemail.com.au)
Hi there

I currently use 35mm gear. I am happy with my landscape work. I mainly use 100 or 400 ASA film (I know, I know  its ISO but I was brought up in the old school!). To improve quality, I take many of the usual precautions such as using a tripod, develop in fine grain developer, using good quality camera and enlarging lenses. I wish to move up a step in quality, comparable to that achieved in medium format (in terms of grain and sharpness) but I cannot afford at present to invest in even a basic second-hand system. I will soon be experimenting with slower B&W films such as Agfa 25, Pan F 50 and the like. I dont mind the extra effort and some of the restrictions imposed by using such slow emulsions. My question is really to ask for any tips advice from those who have used such films in 35mm and achieved top quality results. I would also like to hear from anyone who may have made direct comparisons between the two formats, that is between very slow 35mm and, say, medium speed medium format. Whilst I appreciate nothing will really replace actually moving up to a larger negative, am I really asking too much from such a small negative? The enlargements Im thinking of are in the range of 8x12, 11x14 and maybe even 16x20 inches.

Many thanks in advance!

(posted 9341 days ago)

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