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Response to loading 35mm stainless reels...what's the secret??

from Bill Moore (wmoore@provide.net)
Try this: hold the reel in the left hand, your thumb in position to depress the spring clip attaches the film, gently squeeze the film strip as your position it at the spring clip, relax your grip, letting the film expand to the edges of the reel. This automaticly centers the film. Depress the clip, push the film end into place and secure it. Rotate the reel while gently squeezing the film strip. The problems usually occur during the first few turns of the reel. Chek for proper loading by gently pushing the film toward and away from the reel. If properly loaded, you can feel it move withing the spirals. If it won't move, unwid a little, and try again. Practice first in the light. Good Luck.
(posted 9279 days ago)

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