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Response to OK, It's Time to Vote!

from Chad (churritz@cts.com)
Now that we know the right Thread to be on, ditto:)

Leaderboard Issues: Use Percentage Scoring System (top score=100%): YES Allow scores outside of top 3 to count: YES Allow scores from games in current betas: YES Allow scores from games recorded before ROM changes: YES Enforce a minimum req'd score (e.g. 10% of top) or only top X: NO Allow unethical play/point leeching/slow rates/sound off: NO

*** although i don't think playing with sound off is unethical at any rate. If people need the frame rate to play, then turning sound off is cool, even though it makes a sucky playback. There should be standard of points leeching, no repetative points leeching for more than 5 seconds, or such, so people won't be accidentally acused of points leeching if they can move on after such and such a time.

Clone Issues: In general, clones will not count (with exceptions below): NO Allow clones with clear differences in gameplay (e.g. Trog): YES Allow clones when originals aren't working (e.g. Choplifter): YES Allow clones in multi-game variations (e.g. bowlrama): YES Allow clones--harder or sped-up (e.g. Asteroids, Ms. Pac Turbo): YES Allow originals that are actually clones (e.g. Hyper Olympic): YES

**** I think ALL clones should be allowed but a reduced scoreing method should take place on a clone or it's parrent. I think this gives a greater chance of having a more killer score to watch, because more game play will be forced. I also believe clone selection to be allowed or disallowed would be flawed more so than allowing all clones at a reduced scoring rate, even though one clone may be harder than another, they are still the same game/graphics/idea to play, even trogp. An Example Scoring method where clones are reduced in score, is in the "Clone Score" thread.

(posted 9403 days ago)

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