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Response to Buying b/w film by mail

from Kendra Wise (wiseke@ohsu.edu)

I recently priced both FreeStyle Sales (in CA) and B&H in NYC for film prices. B&H came out ahead of FreeStyle, even when shipping costs were factored in. This is assuming that you order more than just a couple rolls of film, because shipping at B&H is $5.95 for the first pound and $0.75 per pound after that. I bought 40 rolls (20 B&W and 20 color chrome) and paid about $0.35 a roll less on the B&W than I would have if I'd gone through FreeStyle. The savings on the color slide film was even bigger.

My order came in a timely fashion, with everything there. However, I'd probably go with Freestyle if I was just ordering 5-10 rolls or so, since their shipping is free.

Kendra Wise

(posted 9148 days ago)

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