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Pyro - Tears

from Mike Kravit (mkravit@mindspring.com)
I received my PMK stock solutions along with Gordon Hutchings book about a weeks ago. I was pretty aprehensive at first, but finally got the courage to give it a try this evening.

Just so I would not ruin an important roll of film, I shot a roll of Ilfor Delta 100 for testing purposes. I exposed it at EI-80. I live in Soutrh Florida and the tap water runs about 78-80F. Photographers Formulary indicates that there is no loss in negative quality with higher temps so I cut the roll in two and processed both pieces. One at 68F and the other at 80F.

As I did not want to peek, I washed one as the other was developing. Then the moment of truth. I rolled each off the reel and cliped them up. I examined both.

Tears came to my eyes. :-) These are the most beautiful negatives I have ever seen. If they print half as good as they look I don't think I will use anything else. They appear to have an incedible tonal range with a soft greige (greyish brown) color. Totally way too cool!.

Initially I see no difference between the roll developed at 68F and the roll developed at 80F. I did a quick exam with a 6x loupe. Perhaps when they are dry in an hour or two I will take a better look.

For now, I am just so emotional.......


(posted 9245 days ago)

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