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Response to B&W Developing Question

from Tim Brown (brownt@ase.com)
Buy some more Tmax 400, walk around and take a couple of rolls of snapshots, trying to duplicate the conditions you took your important rolls under. Put all your exposed rolls in a refrigerator, in the canisters. When you take film out of a refrigerator, wait an hour before opening the canisters. This fall buy some Xtol and the other chemicals they suggest (Tmax seems most forgiving, to me, in Xtol). Practice your developing with the snapshot rolls. When you've got it worked out develop your good rolls. A drugstore lab will probably send your Tmax out to another lab which may not screw it up but will likely not do as well as you could. Next time use XP-2 or T400CN (B&W film that is developed in color chemistry) if you don't want to do the developing
(posted 9122 days ago)

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