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Ilford FP4 Plus

from Frank (falvaro@ozemail.com.au)
One of the most enjoyable uses of the internet is the participation in forums such as this one. Id like to thank in advance all those who contribute to providing replies to my query and to queries posted by others.

Anyway, recently I was fortunate to win a prize in the Black & White section of a local photography competition. The prize included 10 rolls of 35mm Ilford FP4 Plus.

For the past 12-18 months, most of my 35mm film use has been Delta 100 and 400, developed in perceptol and Ive been happy with the results.

It would be a shame not to use the FP4 Plus, but I dont have the time to properly go through the process of evaluating it and testing best exposure and development combinations.

My query is very general, but Id like to hear what others who use this film have to say about it (Im particularly interested in comments more relevant to 35mm format) and any hints and tips to get the maximum from this film, including in, say, terms of sharpness and fine grain. Will I be disappointed with its results compared to those from Delta 100 and 400? Id like to continue to use perceptol, but I also have available for use ID11/D76, Rodinal and Ilfosol-S.

(posted 9053 days ago)

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