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Response to Tourney 2 - *** Two Important Rulings ***

from Brian McLean (bmclean84@hotmail.com)
Hearing everyone (Well, OK, two people) complain about the swiftness with which rulings are reached here, it seems to me that perhaps a change of the rules is in order. MARP is attracting new people, and as such a vote of 9 people would be reached rather quickly. Perhaps it should come under review to allow more people to react before a change to MARP is effected, or a minimum period of time? Granted, in my eyes you don't ~need~ more than two days to make a change. If you're not checking the board that often, hey, tough. ;) The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or something like that.

Looking at the tourney, I see about 20 people I'd consider real competitors (judging from number of games played, I know I'm leaving out those that played 10 and 11), so it's hard to really raise the number of people needed to make a vote. I leave that for gb to puzzle out.

Just don't kill anybody. ;)


(posted 9226 days ago)

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