I would beg to differ on two counts... One, Mr. Do Wild Ride you had to recoin, and didn't carry points. New game, new TG shot.(posted 9193 days ago)Super Sprint (ssprint) if you don't coin up, the game doesn't say game over, its a continuation since it is a normal process of the machine, and WOULD be in the Twin Galaxies rules. JUST like if you would earn an extra life at a certain score...
Now, about your 10% of the leaderboard post, I am sorry, but no matter how hard I try am I ever going to make 10% of Krogman's Galaga score. Does that mean I should never record Galaga? I certainly hope not. While I don't like "lame" recordings along with the next person, if you want a percentage based system, that is what comes along with it. That is why I want to go back to a medal system, to more or less remove the incentive of "lame" recordings. I would, though, still award same points for ties...