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Response to Leaderboard Issue - I'm calling a "showdown"(i.e. vote)

from Sports Dude (shyboy820@aol.com)
1. Keep the leaderboard as it is. A - 100 point system is good as it is. Additionially, can we have Zwaxy remove the bonus for first by default?

2. Go back to a 10-3-1 system(or similar) B - I prefer 10-7-5-3-1, or better, maybe a top 10 like most machines. We'll work on the details later. Keep both though for all intensive purposes. Continue sorting by 100-point system.

3. A tie is a tie is a tie - everyone gets same points.

A/B - Depends on the game.

4. If there's tie, the faster one gets greater points.

B - See above.

5. Have a cutoff(mention what it should be if you're A - C on this idea)

C - I don't want a cutoff, but if you want one, make it adjustable on the leaderboard. Make all recordings count, but allow users to adjust the leaderboard to cut people off.

6. Give out points for a certain place(in the current instance, 3rd) or better regardless of the cutoff line.

B/C - Some scores don't deserve the minimum amount of points.

7. Use the tournament rules(1st = number of recordings, 2nd = number of recordings - 1, last = 1 point)

C - Too complicated.

8. Throw out the leaderboard all together.

D - No way...this is mainly why I stayed at MARP. I came here initially to flaunt the first recorded 300 on the 'net of Capcom Bowling...when the leaderboard was added, I stayed. If it goes, so do I. =)

9. Limit the number of recordings / day

C - I don't particularly enjoy being restricted, especially on new beta days. Also, Zwaxy's day is a bit whacked compared to the other users. =)

There's my say. I don't particularly like leaderboard discussions, but if I don't say anything, things I don't like will happen. =)

(posted 9205 days ago)

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