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Response to Leaderboard Issue - I'm calling a "showdown"(i.e. vote)

from Barry Rodewald (bsr@hn.pl.net)
OK, my votes are:

1) A. It good the way it is. although it would be nice if it were more configurable (ie: have a choice of 10-3-1, 10-7-5-3-1, percentage, or whatever).

2) B. See above.

3) A.

4) B.

5) B. Depends on the game.

6) A. Make it tenth, though. Particularly for a game that has a lot of recordings.

7) B. Better than 10-3-1, but it would be better if the top score for each game got the same points. (Don't know if that is what you mean or not)

8) C. No way!

9) A. Seeing as I usually only upload something once every couple of weeks anyway.

(posted 9202 days ago)

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