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Response to Storing Chemicals

from Jim MacKenzie (photojim@yahoo.com)
Ilford sells 600mL packages of ID-11 developer. That's perfect for four rolls of b&w film in most manual tanks.

T-Max concentrate lasts for 3-4 years without noticeable degradation. Rodinal seems to last for a couple of years.

XTOL supposedly keeps in stock solution form for many months when it's in a stoppered, full bottle. Buy collapsible bottles. 1L of XTOL should be able to be used up in a few months at most, even if you shoot little film.

Stop bath lasts forever.

Fixer's good for a year when mixed. Pitch it every New Year's. :)

As for print chemicals, Dektol will keep for six months in stock solution; Ilford Universal and Multigrade developer will keep a couple of years in concentrate form. Pitch the diluted developer after every session; it only keeps a few hours.


(posted 9046 days ago)

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