Here's a question:(posted 9121 days ago)Will mark only look at submitals that are close to the world record scores? Or is this a place where we can "test" to see if we have recorded a tgmame recording properly, i.e. correct frame rate and such?
Since the frame rate is encrypted (all-beit slopily! tg4mame please!), users won't know if their frame rate is acceptable (between 9X-100%) unless they have the decrypter, or someone is willing to be a decrypter authority... Yes you usally know if your box can handle a game by watching the FPS by playing it, but who knows what tgmame is recording unless someone tests and decrypts it to see if it's acceptable to the authority.
Was it implied that tgmame has this ability that you can see the "recorded" frame rate when you play it back? I haven't found this to be true, so i think a test submital service or additional feature of tgmame should verify framerates of recordings.