If you use mostly the same enlarger, it is best to calibrate your negatives with that enlarger. Expose two frames (single tone target) one with the metered exposure, the other 3 steps more. After developing, put these in the negative carrier half and half. Give a test strip of your usual printing paper an exposure, which gives medium gray of the normally exposed half - use a gray card to compare. That exposure should give a just visible shade of gray of the +3 exposed frame. (When the strip is dry, of course). If the half is white, gray is not visible, develop the next roll shorter time. If the half is clearly gray, develop more next time. Development is just suitable for your use if the +3 shade is visible, but barely visible.(posted 9078 days ago)Once done, the procedure is easy to repeat with new film or developer. At least with 35 mm you can sacrifice two frames every now and then.