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Response to Tourney 3 - Time for the debate, and we'll do it with these games...

from Sports Dude (shyboy820@aol.com)
You don't need to learn the rules of U.S. football to play 10 Yard Fight (this is a game I'm not even going to endorse, I seriously do not like this game!), or learn pro wrestling "rules" to play Main Event. (this is just way too hard to be in the tournament...also not going to be endorsed) 10 Yard Fight is simple, just get to the scoring area, the "end zone", passing is allowed. Main Event is simple, it's just a game that uses one button and you basically try to weaken your opponent and "pin" him. It's a lousy game IMO, Wrestle War would've been better.
(posted 9186 days ago)

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