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Response to Follow up to TD-3 and Tech Pan

from Harry Pluta (hspluta@msn.com)
Hi again,

I just finished up a second roll. This one I based on 12 ASA and bracketed around that number. I got a .12 for my Zone 1 value which I expected, but I found something I had missed on my first roll, maximum density for this film ( the way I process it )is 1.14 above fb&f! This would seem to indicate that a base density around .06 is ok, which would mean I should be shooting around ASA 25. I can live with that!

We had a great snow fall last night so once it stops I will go out and shoot a couple of rolls in the woods. I plan to bracket around ASA 25 and then see what prints well. I will post back later this week once I've had a chance to do some printing.

Thanks for all the feedback,

(posted 8922 days ago)

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