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Did I underexpose, underdevelop, and have a dirty tank? TXP + PMK

from shawn gibson (SeeInsideForever@yahoo.com)
I just bought a LOT of TXP, thinking it was going to be the cat's meow based on what I've heard and seen from others (first mistake...). I shot 2 rolls, developed, and printed them. Hate it. It is very 'unsharp' compared to my dialed-in combo of TMY and PMK--compared to anything I've shot it seems. I most certainly have done something wrong, or most people are blind, or I am blind.

I shot the way I always do before testing a film (albeit without a densitometer, which usually doesn't seem to matter with my ISO tests); i.e., I shot 1/3 stop under manufacturer's rating. I developed in PMK for 9:30 min at 80deg. with my normal agitation. As noted in an earlier post, since I have been shooting EF I have been getting great density, and this much stayed true with TXP.

I shot between f11 and f22.

In every shot I printed today, where a change in value occurs in the negative no filtration could get me a sharp delineation between values--even 151cc's of yellow + magenta.

It was very frustrating especially since I had also printed some sharp (acute) TMY negs just beforehand.

Any suggestions? After Tech Pan and TMax, I thought TXP would be a joke...(second mistake).


(posted 8933 days ago)

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