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Response to Tourney 4 - Shall it be Sega Ninja or Rally X

from Pat (laffaye@ibm.net)
Well it's easy for you guys (BBH and Barry) to claim that Solar Fox is not a maze game. Neither one of you made a suggestion as to what type of game it is!! Selecting "other" is NOT an option. Yes, I did play it for a few minutes. It is clearly a pick-up type game that has a basic 4-way controller. I could argue that since the paths are shown in grey, the walls are there but invisible. Yes, primary enemies shoot rather than follow you, but then again you can shoot, but you wouldn't want to call this game a shooter would you??? If I had to pick a category I still choose maze because it's a pattern type game that involves picking up all objects to complete a level.
(posted 8998 days ago)

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