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Delta 400 & XTOL

from Jim W Vanson (primary_colors@hotmail.com)
Now that I have a good grip on Delta 3200...tks Ed, John, et al...I want to start improving my (rather dismal)220 format Delta 400 results...I've tried Xtol 1+2 (200ml Xtol + 400ml H2O)@ 13min @ 70 degrees but my results that are normally good for TriX or APX 400 are all over the place...a couple of years ago...before I tried Delta...I had the Ilford rep here in Vancouver tell me that the 400 negs look different, but I can't remember how...my negs look thin but tonal...they require a short exposure with a 4 filter on my VCCE head...I've never run into this problem so I don't know how to solve it...does anyone that uses dilute XTOL and Delta 400 .have an ISO/time/temp/agitation to share...how about very dilute Rodinal say 1+100 or 1+150...does anyone use that...do they loose film speed...again how about some suggestions...hope to nail this film as I have 25 rolls of the 220 that I can't do anything with...tks..jim
(posted 8811 days ago)

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