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Response to Orthochromatic Film

from Wolfram Kollig (kollig@ipfdd.de)
Hello Charlie,

I've used Kodak Ortho Lith 35mm last weekend, E.I. around 12, developed in Rodinal 1:100, about 10 min at 200C. Used without filter the sky is almost blown out, so 1:150/1:200 or PMK could be useful. Apart from that landscapes look similar to panchromatic, e.g. trees do not look any lighter than normal, at least to me. Resolution of the film is good like all slow copying film.

Sorry, can not comment of portrait yet and not the next two week, as I did forget to put some Ortho Film in cartridge for holiday, and I'm leaving in 90 min straight from my office to the train station.

Kind regards,


p.s. Thomas, Rodinal seems to work, while C 41 developer gave neither with TP nor with Kodak Ortho Lith good results.

(posted 8801 days ago)

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