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from shawn (shawngibson_prophoto@yahoo.com)
Maybe a broad question, but the holy grail for me lately has been sharpness, rather, accutance, by which I mean an image which is 'crispy', with sharp separation between points of contrast. What, in general, affects sharpness? For example, over exposure degrades sharpness; handholding does too. Pyro typically aids in getting sharper negatives, as does Rodinal; but most fine-grain developers do not. Enlargement is a big factor, but I have seen 11x14 enlargements from 35mm sharper than anything I've ever printed in 6x7.

From a material/chemical/technical PoV., what has aided you the most in achieving sharp images, especially in 35mm, the format where sharpness seems to matter the most because of its ultimate limitations (i.e., enlargement ability...)?

Please comment however you see fit...

(posted 8801 days ago)

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