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Response to Bubble Bobble situation

from Crash (crash@tcp.co.uk)
It's an interesting problem. I recorded a bobble bobble recording for Deca2000 which plays back fine. Any since that one won't play back at all, and I don't know what I did in between. I do know that I have MAME32TG and MAME32v36 on my PC, but I can't remember if I took defaults or not when switching from one to the other.

I wonder if removing all MAME32 settings from the registry or wherever and reloading MAME32TG would solve the problem. I'll investigate when I get home from work.

As for bubble bobble, I've not tried it. So it might apppear that the same problem exists for both romsets. bugger.


(posted 8979 days ago)

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