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Response to Emofin developer, has anyone tried it? With Agfa APX films?

from Patric (jenspatric@mail.bip.net)
X-tol? I've heard that X-tol is the worst developer one can use for APX 100. I read that on a norwegian site. Yes, Emofin is expensive. Rodinal on the other hand must be the cheapest developer I have ever used. Especially as one can dilute it 1+50 or 1+100. But as I said, Rodinal gives grainy (but very sharp) grain.

I think I will try Emofin as it balances the contrast.

APX 100 in D-76 was a disaster for me. Burned highlights, strange mid- tones and bad details in the darker tones. I guess one have to expose after 50 Asa instead, and then it loses the point as I want a 100 film. Now I use Plus-X, but I like the skin-tones I get with Agfas films.

When I use APX 25 I use to expose at 12 Asa and develop in Rodinal. Very sharp result and no visible grain.

By the way: I use 120-film.

(posted 8863 days ago)

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