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Response to XTOL question

from Paul Harris (pharris@neosoft.com)
I most often use D-76/ID-11 for Tri-X at "normal" speed. For pushing to 1600 I have had great success with Xtol 1+1, using the times that Kodak recommends. For a thorough discussion of the quantity of developer needed, check Anchell and Troop's _The Film Development Cookbook_. I must admit to not being as rigourous as they are, but I still like the results. I just got through shooting 2 rolls of Tri-X at 1600, developed in Xtol, and 2 rolls of Delta 3200 at 1600-2000, developed in DD-X, and the Tri-X came out well ahead in terms of grain and sharpness. I have been a fan of Delta 3200, but I think I will use it mainly for extreme cases.

I had heard about some of the problems with quality control. I have used only the 5-liter packages lately, and store the stock solution in collapsible bottles. I also do a single roll first to check, and so far all has been fine.

(posted 8803 days ago)

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