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3rd time round reposession- Not sure what to do?

from M. Spence (madalark@aol.com.)
I bought into this house 12 years ago with a friend. afther three years the friend left leaving the mortgage in arrears. I have struggled since as a single parent to keep the house but continued to be in arrears. The fleeing friend no longer lives in the country so I heard, and has not paid anything towards the mortgage for 9 years.

The lenders Bank of Ireland have not been particularily happy about the situation, and are about to go to court for a third time. I'm now in between jobs - doing part time work and have applied for help rom the DSS, but this still leaves a great shortfall in the monthly mortgage payments expected by them.

I no longer have an endowment linked to the property- this was cashed some years ago, and I no have a dependant son to look after.

I recently had the house valued which was double the amount we bought in at. And I cannot get a further loan secured to the house becvause the co owner is not around. i'M AT A LOST WHAT TO DO. i'M ALSO WAITING TO HEAR ABOUT BECOMING A FOSTER PARENT BASED IN THIS HOUSE TOO- pLUS WORKING WITH A SALARY OF 20,000 PA. BUT THIS IS 6-8WEEKS AWAY???????????

(posted 8644 days ago)

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