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Response to Opinions on two bath developers

from Wolfram Kollig (kollig@ipfdd.de)
Like Thies I'm using the Tetenal Emofin. I would say it does decrease contrast by 2 paper grades, so I actually underexpose two stops, compensate that with developing push 2 to get back on papergrade 2-3. Grain is finer than usually, but for my taste sharpness could be higher.

Also use split D-76 for HP5+ at 400 ASA, very happy with grain and sharpness, but since Dmax is limited to a value close to 2-2.2, it is only recommended in contrasty situations, otherwise you'll end up with printing on grade 4-5.

All given papergrades are relative and given for systems similar to Leica V35 multigrade modules.



(posted 8796 days ago)

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