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Response to Terrified about x-ray damage to my film...any advice?

from Doremus Scudder (ScudderLandreth@compuserve.com)
Turkey is not a wilderness. You should be able to buy film and chemistry in Istanbul at least, if not other places as well. Perhaps trying to contact someone there about availability of types of film, processing possibilitiers, etc. might be worthwhile. I assume that since you are going for 6 months for an archeological expidition that you have some contacts there. If not, maybe someone from Turkey visits this forum regularly and can advise you (anyone out there?).

That said, I travel regularly across the Atlantic and carry 400 speed film in boxes and loaded filmholders (sometimes exposed film as well) in both my carry-on and checked luggage. Although no one will ever hand-inspect, I have had NO problems ever with fog or streaking, even though the film has gone through x-ray machines 6 or 7 times. Maybe I'm just lucky, but I think the dangers of x-ray damage for film in carry-on luggage is overplayed a bit. You should, however, make every effort to process your film there, not only because of the possibility of x-ray fogging or streaking, but because exposed film doesn't like to sit around in the heat for six months. It can degrade the latent image.

Bottom line, buy and process film there if you can. If not, carry your film with you and process it there. Last and worse choice is to bring all the exposed film back with you through the airport machines.

Hope this helps, ;^D)

(posted 8755 days ago)

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