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Response to A Super film from Germany Gibabit film

from martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com)
Pete, I can get about 170 lpmm with my Minox camera on Kodak technical Pan film. With Gigabit film there shall be no problem at all to get well over 200 lpmm on film

You had experience with process lens, but it seems to me you have seen any really sharp camera lens.

The following is the original picture enlarged to 3.5x 5"

In the above picture, 2 cm from the lower right corner is a street sign post. The street sign is only about 0.1mm on the original negative

This 0.1mm segment enlarged 200 x

You can see the characters "ONE". Each character, for example the "o" is only 0.02mm on the orginal negatives.

That is only techpan, with gigabit film in Minox, I have no doubt 0.01mm is possible. There you go.

(posted 8758 days ago)

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