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Response to A Super film from Germany Gibabit film

from martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com)
When 35mm format gigabit film is available, I shall buy a few rolls and cut them up into Minox format film and loaded into my Minox B camera. I may not need any special enlarger lens. Because my Minox enlarger model II uses the same 15mm f3.5 lens as the Minox B camera (COMPLAN lens ) and 100x enlargement is not difficult to get-- all I have to do is to lay the Minox enlarger flat and project the image on the wall, at a distance of 1.5M. Then I can put a piece of gigabitfilm to make an interneg for 1000x enlargment or simply a piece of Ilford paper for 100x print.

There is advantage is using same lens for camera and enlarger, because the viewing angle from the lens to the negative will be very close-- that will keep the perspective of silver crystals (in grains ) right.

(posted 8658 days ago)

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