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Response to A Super film from Germany Gibabit film

from Mason Resnick (bwworld@mindspring.com)
Folks, I need to jump in here as the light-handed (or is that light- headed?) quasi-moderator here.

I do not pretend to understand the fine points being discussed here, nor do I find them terribly interesting as they seem to be of the "how many angels can dance on the head of a pin" variety compared to my approach to photography.

However I have noticed several personal flames against one poster in particular, and have exercized my powers to remove those parts of posted messages.

It is one thing to say someone's methodology, theory or technical knowledge is full of holes. Its another entirely to say "oh and he's been kicked out of such-and-such a newsgroup" or that a certain poster is a first-class jerk. I don't give a rat's tushie about someone's past on-line history, as long as their posts are not insulting and abide by the "rules of the house" in this forum (go to http:// www.photogs.com/bwworld/bwforum.html to refresh your memory).

Bottom line? Feel free to keep this discussion going (boring though it may be to me), but please refrain from personal attacks or invective. Challenge a theory or thought? Certainly. Getting personal? Take it to email.

Many thanks for your cooperation.

(posted 8745 days ago)

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