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Response to Categories

from Ed Buffaloe (edbuffaloe@unblinkingeye.com)
I have taken some of your suggestions to heart. I transformed PMK to Pyro, and added a category for Fixer. Ofttimes it is a tossup between whether to categorize a thread under Developer or Film--I usually try to choose what the poster emphasized in his title, and hopefully in the future the posters will choose their own category. I'm going to keep some categories deliberately vague, because of the difficulty involved in finding a precise category for certain threads. Hence, Chemistry and Processing Film become catchalls for things I can't classify under Films, Developers or Fixer. I figure SOME categorization is better than none at all, but there will still be some threads that will remain Uncategorized. Some threads are so off- subject that I wonder if they should be allowed to remain. So far, though, all I have deleted were duplicates with no responses. I've also been correcting some misspellings and clarifying some titles.
(posted 8628 days ago)

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