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Film/Developer starting points for rotary processing

from Paul Minkus (dkurtz@mc.net)
I have decided to enter the world of rotary film development. I first became aware of it at John Sexton's workshop. I have purchased a JOBO CPE with stainless steel reels and 1500 series tanks. I hope this produces better negatives with more even development, exact repeatability and the ability to make precise adjustments. I have read some of the various threads on the net, technical literature, and have spoken with the JOBO people. I have a few questions, and I hope that the experienced rotary processors will share their knowledge and experience with me.

I know that testing is the best way to pursue this. However, I am interested in your favorite film/development combinations as starting points for rotary processing. I am currently using 120 HP5+ shot at 320ASA, and 120 TMX shot at 80 ASA. I also have a few rolls of 35mm Tri-X shot at 200 ASA. I am interested predominantly in trying TMAX and D-76 film developers, and possibly XTOL of which I have heard many good things.

OTHER QUESTIONS: I have Sexton's suggested starting points but they are for TMAX RS and they are also for sheet film. Can I use those recommendations for TMAX developer with roll film? What about the 5-minute prewet? Kodak does not mention it in their rotary suggestions, Sexton and JOBO do. Does the prewet change development times? JOBO says that appropriate starting points for any dev/film combination are the same as inversion processing as long as you incorporate the prewet. Do you or your experiences concur? Is Microdol-X 1:3 a bad rotary choice? I have used it with Tri-X in the past. Kodak does not seem to recommend using rotary D-76 at 1:1. Why, and do your experiences concur? Thanks so much for your help! Paul

(posted 8709 days ago)

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