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Response to Pan F+ vs APX 25

from Greg Rust (kgeicrust@aol.com)

Pan F+ is an exceptional film. But it does take some practice and testing. The tonal range is very long and you can make grainless 11x 14 prints from 35mm negatives. The best developer for it is PMK pyro. It will five the longest tonal range and sharpness is about equal to results from Rodinal. Rodinal is the next best developer for it but you need to do some testing to avoid blown out highlights and a shortened tonal range. Its advantage over PMK is convenience and cost. I've done a lot of testing with Pan F+ using PMK, Rodinal, and Xtol and that is my order of preferrence in developers. PMK gives such fabulous results that you will have a heightened excitement about your photographic work. I just wish Pan F+ were available in 4x5 format. If you have questions about times, dilutions, and costs, let me know. You can order this film from freestylesales.com as a reload for about $2/roll. Good luck.

(posted 8595 days ago)

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