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Response to soft emultion in Tri X

from Eli Landau (eli@haphoto.co.il)
Thank you for the quick & very knowledged answer. We use roller transport processor, so the hangers & so are not relevant for us The result of the "soft" emultions are small dammages in the emulsion side, caused by rollers in the drying cabinet. We use 72 Farenheit (recomended temp. for Kodak HC-110). I'll try to use as you suggest soft water. If it's not enough, I'll make some changes in the machin so it can handle the hypo clearing agent (so We can use hardner in the fixer - that I tested with good results in the emultion side - but the films came out dirty becouse the machine doesn't have hypo bath ).

Thank again Eli

(posted 8656 days ago)

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