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Response to New Delta 400 Pro

from Ed Hurst (BullMoo@hotmail.com)
Another benefit is that "true" black & white seems to make it possible to obtain a better (more subtle) range of tones. I am no great darkroom craftsman myself, but speaking to friends who are better than I, they almost all say that they would rather print from a true b&w neg. There can also be times when it is hard to get a "punchy" print from chromagenic negs. Although I have used XP2 Super with good results, I am also of the opinion that the new Delta 400 Pro has left it behind in terms of sharpness, grain and structure. C41 can still have the benefit of convenience in some situations of course. One of the advantages XP has always been its ability to be exposed at higher speeds whilst retaining quality, but the new Delta seems to have enhanced pushing capabilities. Unlike XP2, of course, you cannot easily expose different frames at different speeds on the same film!
(posted 8644 days ago)

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