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Orthochromatic Film

from chuck k (kleesattel@msn.com)
I see the B+H is selling Orthochromatic film in several different formats. The film is apparently manufactured by Macrophot.

Does anyone have any experience with Ortho film? I've used some Ortho Lith film, but I'm guessing that the Macrophot is the old standard Orthochromatic.

What is the general affect of this film? I know that it is very blue sensitive, almost to the exclusion of the red end of the spectrum. I know this will lighten the sky to nearly white, and reds will appear nearly black. What is the effect of portraits with this? What about development? Is standard time in D-76 usable, or is there a special type of developer? I know that Weston would have used Pyro, or Metol.

It has always amazed me the sharpness of landscape pictures from the mid to late 1800's. I know what the lenses were like at that time (I have a few). I'm wondering if the sharpness comes from the limited light spectrum sensitivity of the film(thereby eliminating chromatic problems the older lens might have had) or is it just the tripod/contact print combination?

thanks for your time.

chuck k

(posted 8526 days ago)

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