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Response to Fujichrome sensia II in Rodinal

from Duane K (dkucheran@creo.com)
Thanks to all that have responded; your answers are definitely appreciated.

I had speaks with a co-worker today. He recomended that I get a silver bleach such as that used in color slide chemistry and see if I can remove the silver. I thought I might try the ferricyanide on a snip of the film. This should leave a positive image composed of the tricolor dye cloud. If this works, shall I post the results? Would anyone be interested in a most expensive & bass-ackwards way to make sepia slides?

I did try leaving a piece of the film in fixer overnight. It did seem to remove the silver and leave the dye cloud. I may try again with an image part of the film.



Thanx again and cheers,


(posted 8523 days ago)

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