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Response to How to get MAX grainy effect with TXP?

from Ed Buffaloe (edb@unblinkingeye.com)
Rodinal produces very high acutance--it has no solvent action, so whatever grain structure is inherent in the film is what you will get. For fine art work, I used to develop Tri-X in Rodinal (1:50) for 9 minutes at 68 degrees--this was very sharp and had wonderful gradation, but may not be what you are looking for (it WAS grainy, though). For more grain, try rating it at 400 and developing at (1:25). Dektol is also said to be very good for gritty grain from Tri- X. I do not have a developing time for it offhand, but I have an old article somewhere that I will try to find.
(posted 8605 days ago)

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