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Response to How to get MAX grainy effect with TXP?

from Cesar Barreto (cesarb@infolink.com.br)
Joe, It is always usefull to keep in mind that grain usually comes in pair with density. Pushing techniques can lead to grainy highlights, medium tone a bit less and empty shadows with no grain at all. And to make things worst, you can find that printing this contrasty negative on softer paper usually softens grain alltogether. So, the suggestion is trying some over-exposure, changing or not the contrast by development, and printing this somewhat "dark" negative on high gradation paper. This way, grain may show uniformily spread all over the image, varying with your exposure and printing options. Of course, Rodinal is always wellcome... And any Tri-x works fine this way. Greetings, Cesar Barreto
(posted 8510 days ago)

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