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Response to Basic paper developing question...

from Christian Harkness (chris.harkness@eudoramail.com)
Trica, there should be/have been instructions with the enlarging paper. Usually they are on a piece of paper in the box.

I recommend you develop RC paper for 1 minute, then stop and fix. The amount of fixing time depends on the paper fixer. For example, I fix my Ilford paper for only 30 seconds, as per their recommendations.

Fiber paper should probably be in the developer from 3 to 5 minutes, then stooped and fixed.

The thing is, RC is fully developed after 1 minute and then just gets darker all over. With fiber, the print develops up to about 5 minutes or so. Thus you have more control over the appearance of the print with fiber than with RC.


(posted 8469 days ago)

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