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Good results with Technical pan

from Diego K. (Heuristica@yahoo.com)
HI, I bought a couple of Kodak Techpan (120) rolls, and since this are quite expensive I would like some reference point from people already gone this path. Before wasting to much money so I couldnt buy any more ;)

At this point I use Tetenal's Negafine, it seems a good one. Old faithfull Rodinal, Im not please with this one, only have what I have left from the times I use to like it. and a PKM mix, "ilumitol" very good developer, unfortunally I have no reference for this one with Techpan, and is a pain to use.

I Intend to use the films for street shooting, hoping for pictures with high impact, no grain and with some tonal range, so it wont look too wierd. hooooooo and to be enlarged up to 50x60cm (from 645)

Any Ideas?


Diego K.

(posted 8705 days ago)

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