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JOBO woes

from Paul Klingaman (pklingaman@hotmail.com)
In researching processing B&W films using a JOBO processor, I've come across the question, "to pre-soak, or not to pre-soak"...I plan doing tests in both instances, but what is the word on this board? More importantly, another dilemma I've gome accross is the problem of dilution of developers. Currently I'm using D76 1:3 and XTOL 1:2. For both of these films, the manufacturer advises using 100ml stock per roll of 135 film, regardless of dilution. The volume of developer required for processing 4 rolls of 135 in a JOBO tank is just shy of of 500ml. Simple math tells me that I won't have enough stock developer. In the case of D76, I'd be willing to drop to 1:1, but that still won't solve the problem. This will give just under 250ml of stock for 4 rolls! Is there an obvious solution that I'm missing here? Is my math "fuzzy?" Please help...many thanks in advance.
(posted 8427 days ago)

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