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Response to Does developing time change with 220 vs. 120

from Jim Vanson (p645n@hotmail.com)
With D76 Kodak suggests you increase development time 10 percent for 220 if you are are using the same amount of chemistry that you would use for 120 eg. 250 each of D76 and of water. Seems to work for me the two or three times I used D76 for Delta 400 in 220. With XTOL it is a whole different story..._you must_ use at least 100mls of stock XTOL per 80 sq in of film. That means at least 100mls stock for a roll of 35mm or 120. For 220 that means at least 200 mls of stock. I can vouch for this as I shoot quite alot of D400 in 220 size.
(posted 8512 days ago)

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