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Darkroom Accident

from Kenneth Eckert (kdephoto@yahoo.com)
Interesting little accident last night. While preparing to make a contact sheet, I dropped a Printfile page (with negs) into the paper developer. I pulled it out within seconds and quickly decided that the best thing to do was throw it in the stop bath. So at this point the outer two frames in each strip of six were quite wet and would not slide out of the sleeve. I very quickly and carefully cut the Printfile page along each negative to remove them, loaded them onto a film reel and washed them for ten minutes, wetting agent, and hung them to dry.

I am not really in a panic about any long term damage that may have been done. They are headshots for a local actress and I could have easily reshot them. The negs looked fine this morning so I scanned them all and I now have a back up.

Any predictions as to what damage may or may not have been done? My darkroom is quite small and the potential to do this again is actually quite high.



(posted 8418 days ago)

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